hummus is yummy

Sep 11, 2004 22:57


Did some shopping today with my mom before work. It was lovely...I picked up a few skirts and such.
Worked today with Sarah for a bit...also lovely.

I may have a job at the school starting next quarter...lovely. Especially since I'll still have weekends and breaks off automatically from the job...seeing as how school...isn't in session during those times...and all. Ironic thing is, I'll be helping people in Geometry...what are the odds? ^^; It won't be hard though.
Speaking of school next quarter I'm taking Storyboarding, Character and Object Design, Computer Illustration, and Art History...not real sure on the times yet though since I can't figure out if I'm supposed to take Art History I or Art History II....

AWA's comin' up...I'm I usually am. Costume's going okay...I still must figure out the mystery of the cloaky thing.... I'm also a bit confused on the color...looks purple with a bit of blue...but I can only find really dark purple fabric...which is too dark...or a more blue-ish blue-purple kinda color. I think I'm gonna end up going with the more blue-ish blue-purple and just deal with it. My mom said she'd take me to Joanne's Monday though.
The exciting thing about my costume is I'm sewing it my self with the help of a sewing machine a teacher at school lent my mom. My mom also said she'd get me a beginner's sewing machine for Christmas...oooo. I do wish to make my own clothes...seeing as how stores here to not often provide lovely things that I so desire.

Oh...and of course speaking of case any of you haven't noticed my layout has everyone take a look and 'oo' and 'aa' at Michi's lovely work...^^

01. name:
02. age:
03. where on earth do you live:
04. what makes you happy:
05. what have you been listening to lately:
06. do you enjoy reading my LJ:
07. if so, why:
08. interesting fact about you:
09. are you in love at the moment:
10. favourite destination:
11. favourite quote:
12. will you post this in your LJ:

01. a movie:
02. a book:
03. a band, song or album:

post a picture of yourself:
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