Thirty-One Days, Thirty-One (Horror) Movies

Feb 18, 2013 00:07

I've finally finished updating my master list for Thirty-One Days, Thirty-One (Horror) Movies.

As a reminder, if you click on one of the links on the list, it'll take you directly to the post, spoilers and all. If you just want to know how I felt about a movie without knowing all of its secrets, you'd be better off using the 31days31movies tag.

I'll admit that some of the reviews are not my best work. Some of the movies I just didn't remember. Oddly, some of what I think are my best reviews are for movies that I didn't particularly expect to say much about (Jason X and 28 Weeks Later spring to mind. The latter was a "Super Special Awesome Brilliant" "monument to stupidity" that "inspired massive amounts of rage ironically." So I used up all of my internet references on that one.).

31 days 31 movies

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