Have been quite bad at reading (books) this year - I blame the phone! I can read articles and news and guff wherever I am and not have to think ahead and carry a book (and not need a bag or anything either). I have read a few books on the phone, but...easy to get distracted. Anyway, have been taking reading in a possibly too relaxed way, and I don't know if I can even make a proper list, but I'll try and record those I can remember...
Oh - the Bookclub has been very good for making me read at least one book a month (what a depressingly low frequency!), but sometimes I have failed even that... (and has also been good for making me read books it is unlikely I would choose/get around to reading myself).
Bookclub books:
- Consider the Lobster and other essays, David Foster Wallace (not finished! although quite enjoyed what I read)
- Lovesong, Alex Miller
- The Housekeeper and The Professor, Yoko Ogawa
- Wake in Fright, Kenneth Cook
- A Naked Singularity, Sergio De La Pava (not finished, had definitely planned to finish, but still not...)
- Stasiland, Anna Funder
- Rocks in the Belly, Jon Bauer (current! 1/2 way after 1 day, will probably actually finish it before actual bookclub meeting)
On Phone:
- Burn, James Patrick Kelly
- The Eyes Have It, Randall Garrett
- The Honor of the Queen, David Weber
- The Rebirth of Pan, Jo Walton
- Hm... was sure there were a few more...
Random other books:
- New Spring, Robert Jordan
- The Gathering Storm, Robert Jordan
- Um...surely I had something apart from cheesy fantasy?
Did get around to some of the Hugo noms/novs/shorts too...