OMG July already. Books.

Jul 08, 2011 15:01

 Have been quite bad at reading (books) this year - I blame the phone!  I can read articles and news and guff wherever I am and not have to think ahead and carry a book (and not need a bag or anything either). I have read a few books on the phone, but...easy to get distracted. Anyway, have been taking reading in a possibly too relaxed way, and I don't know if I can even make a proper list, but I'll try and record those I can remember...

Oh - the Bookclub has been very good for making me read at least one book a month (what a depressingly low frequency!), but sometimes I have failed even that... (and has also been good for making me read books it is unlikely I would choose/get around to reading myself).

Bookclub books:
  1. Consider the Lobster and other essays, David Foster Wallace  (not finished!  although quite enjoyed what I read)
  2. Lovesong, Alex Miller
  3. The Housekeeper and The Professor, Yoko Ogawa
  4. Wake in Fright, Kenneth Cook
  5. A Naked Singularity, Sergio De La Pava  (not finished, had definitely planned to finish, but still not...)
  6. Stasiland, Anna Funder
  7. Rocks in the Belly, Jon Bauer (current! 1/2 way after 1 day, will probably actually finish it before actual bookclub meeting)
On Phone:
  1. Burn, James Patrick Kelly
  2. The Eyes Have It, Randall Garrett
  3. The Honor of the Queen, David Weber
  4. The Rebirth of Pan, Jo Walton
  5. Hm... was sure there were a few more...
Random other books:
  1. New Spring, Robert Jordan
  2. The Gathering Storm, Robert Jordan
  3. Um...surely I had something apart from cheesy fantasy?

Did get around to some of the Hugo noms/novs/shorts too...

reference, reading, books

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