Jul 11, 2007 11:26

Sheesh, it took all yesterday just to keep up with everyone's really interesting answers!  Um, and I doubt I could come up with the great questions people were coming up with either (and am also worried this meme's wavecrest has passed), but if you do feel like questions, lay a quote or whatever on me...

1. How do you react when people flirt with you, if you're not interested in them romantically?
Well...I never used to realize that what may commonly be regarded as flirting was related to romantic intentions.  I always assumed it was "I like you, let's be friends" (or at least "let's get to know each other better, and then we can be friends"), and so I'd return the behaviour - banter, teasing, eye-contact, smiling, arm-touching - in kind.  But then the Lauren (an exhousemate) called me in passing a "terrible flirt" and I became all self-conscious about it for a while and was over-aware of body language and personal space and touchy-feeliness.  But luckily I got over that and reclaimed flirtage-as-friendly-and-not-necessarily-romantic, and flirt once more.

(I have noticed though that I 'flirt' a great deal more with people who I know won't be interested in me romantically - e.g. people who've known me for ages, or who're already happily involved, or who I know have other 'types', or who I know often flirt-just-for-fun - rather than anyone who might be on the prowl, dunno if it's because I want to avoid any possible entanglement or just because I'm intimidated).

2. Do you think you'll stay in Melbourne?
I have no idea!  I suspect I won't go back to Perth (to live) for a long time if ever (unless it's for the parents).  I do like Australia generally and Melbourne specifically, but...I've enjoyed time in a lot of different cities and can imagine making a life in many of them...um.  I think I'll stay in Melbourne until at least next week[1].

3. What did you want to be when you grew up, when you were a kid?
A zookeeper.

4. You're given a guaranteed, indexed, income of $100K/yr for life. What do you do with your life?

Keep working in current or branching field/s, but part-time (hm...how part-time?).

Make more friends (and spend more time with friends!), volunteer more, draw/paint/write/cook/art/craft more, read more, have parties, invest in interesting things (although doubt $100K would go far for that!), help friends become financially secure, study more (lots more science, languages, philosophy, ...).

5. If you could go back and change one action or decision in your life, or warn your past self of something to come, would you? If so, what?
"Get off your/my butt and get those google stocks"?  I was SO ready to liquidate and do it.  I don't think I'd actually change anything which would affect my current life in a major way.  I think I could've done zoology instead of geography as my fun degree (with a bit more boat-rocking of the brueaucracy) but without any serious repercussions.  Or taken French to year 12.  Or stuck with the piano.  Or not bet my big sister that I'd win that game of chess and avoid giving myself chess-phobia.

[1] Off to Briz on Tues.


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