Blah, just paid rent AND car insurance and about to buy digicam... *is poor*
Am sure I had other stuff to blog
Public transport/train amusements? I can't remember the last time I caught a train which was on-time!
Ummm...K9 stories? Not really. Although the other day I was reading at the dining table and didn't realize K9 was lying at my feet and I swung my foot and kicked him in the head. He hardly blinked. Didn't even bother moving his head. I kinda felt bad so I started petting him with my foot as I continued reading. Loud took this as a sign that we're bonding, but it was just guilt.
Murder Must Advertise - D. L. Sayers. No idea why this is on the 1001 list. Definitely not one of her better ones . Dialogue and general prose seemed a bit clunky. And Wimsey has come over all flawless and annoying. Definitely don't recall him being so jock-like. Some amusing dated parts (what were they again? casual racism/classism?). Possibly the 1001 list was written by people in the advertising business? *googles* hm...looks like there was a whole panel of 20+ people actually, mostly lit crit types.
The Murders in the Rue Morgue - E. A. Poe. Oops, thought this was on the 1001 list too, but it's not. Is rather famous though. Heh, was just about to complain about how unconvincing its logic was, and wonder why it was famous, but fortunately googled it to get translations of some of the french quotes used and discovered it might be the first modern "detective story" published.
Only just noticed the common Murder in those titles... Luckily, proving that I'm not on some homicidal spree, also read:
The Gods Themselves - Asimov. (
Hugo 1973) Enjoyable. It kept me guessing about how it might end.
Yay lunchtime!