
Sep 13, 2006 13:46

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girliejones to list 6 weird habits.  Unfortunately, NONE of my habits are weird, but will list some random habit-like stuff...

Hm...ok, to start with, inspired by GJs #4 ("order ... the same thing at lunch (and breakfast) every single day"):

  1. I guess I generally have/order something (anything) different every time I eat out.  Definitely avoid having the same thing twice in a row.  And this would go for whatever I cook at home too... Also couldn't go to the same restaurant/etc., twice in a row either.
  2. When in a new city, if I feel a bit homesick/blah, a library or zoo makes me feel at home. 
  3. I like to minimize pot/dish/utensil usage when cooking.  This is SO not weird, but I've had a fair few housemates (ooh, I should count them!1) and am surprised at how rare it is.  Oh, and also like to clean up everything used ASAP2 after I've eaten.  Waaay too rare.
  4. Can be pronophobic3 - although with the copious use of "I" in this post, that may not be apparent.  Also not weird, see this quite a lot, especially on blogs.
  5. Quite like having my laundry rained on.  In particular, the bedding.  This is mainly because my water and energy efficient front-loader just doesn't seem to rinse all the washing powder off, and because I'm a bit allergic (get sneezy if I try to sleep on them).  Have cut back on amount of laundry powder, and also sometimes use the "extra rinse" cycle, but still feel more content if it rains when I've put my sheets out and I have to leave them out for another day or two.
  6. I like to be prepared.  Yeah, so not weird.  But there're some weird people around who find it weird that I like to buy dishwashing detergent before the last bottle runs out, or that after a hard night of alcohol I drink water before passing out, or that I have spare lightbulbs/candles/pliers/whatever in my useful drawer.  It's not like I have a bomb-shelter in the backyard (although maybe I should get some iodine supplements, and stock up on Tamiflu).

Don't think I even have 6 people I can tag (*looks pathetic and friendless*) - so I won't!  But you should all have a go (Exp, Hom, Cap, Cal, Idl).

1 Lessee.... okay - only those of >6 months? *adds* = at least 12
2 Either ASAPossible or ASAPolite - i.e. if cooking for other people.  Sometimes get a bit antsy if I'm just sitting around and chatting after eating, when I could as easily be cleaning up and chatting at the same time.
3 Not sure if this is a/the real word.  Am sure I read about a different term which also meant "avoiding use of pronouns", but haven't been able to find reference to it.  Don't really avoid, but a couple of people have mentioned lesser usage than expected...


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