Dec 17, 2006 12:30
Getting a bunch of added friends lately, having posted openly in some comments threads - feel like I should say: while I always think those great-big-lock THIS JOURNAL IS FRIENDS ONLY notices are unnecessarily unfriendly, I generally only add people I know in real life or whose journals I've been reading a while & whom I feel I should let into mine if I'm a-gonna read theirs. This isn't a tour diary or a professional journal; it's a journal-journal, and I generally don't add people who know me through my work, because for my sanity's sake there need to be some real clear lines between professional and personal. Which isn't to say that this journal is full of juicy bits or anything - it isn't, as its mad bored longtime readers can attest. But it's semi-private, and with the exception of entries I either neglect to lock or (like this one) leave open intentionally, it'll stay that way. Just so you know! xoxo jd