Some silly ramblings...

Oct 20, 2009 00:02

  • 01:11 Just broke the £1000 mark for my Sahara trek. Just another £1500 to go! So come and donate!!!! Tks :) #
  • 01:15 Just broke the £1000 mark for my Sahara trek. Just another £1500 to go! So come and donate!!!! Tks :) #
  • 07:50 Well that's the weekend over and I am on route from the midlands to Newcastle! #
  • 14:34 @ scarletshimmer you been naughty and downloading too much!!! Tsk, tsk!! If your not in a contract try No limits! Their my ISP #
  • 14:37 @ scapey surely someone would have came across a badger set by now if they where there!!! #
  • 15:16 @ scarletshimmer well go see them and stick your number in, they are ADSL2+ also which is a faster connection. If you can get it'll be quick #
  • 15:19 @ scarletshimmer oh and they have a 3 month contract, then just 1 months notice if you want! Been happy with them (no packet shaping either) #
  • 15:58 @ firefly827347 just how fried is it? Could possible to be recovered you never know?? #
  • 16:01 @ scarletshimmer adsl2+ is copper wire as well. Though it is about 2x as fast as adsl. It's just different ends. #
  • 16:07 @ scarletshimmer that's pants!!! :( worth a try though... #
  • 18:26 Back in Scotland yea..... #
Sponsor me on my charity Sahara trek for Scottish Epilepsy @ my JustGiving page.

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