Episode Reaction: Daleks in Manhattan

Apr 29, 2007 04:52

The thing is, Helen, in writing school they should have taught you a little thing about SHOWING, NOT TELLING. "I was a soldier myself. I swore then I'd survive ... I want to run this city, whatever it takes," is really the least interesting piece of dialogue I've heard in a long time. A long, long time. If you want to make someone seem like a Dalek, try being a bit more original.


So the point of having a police public call box is that it's a disguise. It does come from something called a CHAMELEON CIRCUIT. And when I want to disguise something, I don't park it DIRECTLY UNDERNEATH THE STATUE OF LIBERTY. Just something to think about.

"Okay! I get it." --> Right before that line I was thinking that Martha was alllllmost starting to take on a Rose-like role, listening with compassion to the troubles of other people. Solving mysteries through heart and all that. But no, not Martha. Rose would have been hugging her (you know, REALLY) and giggling and gossiping and seeing right through her. I miss that.

Dear Martha,
Give up. Seriously, stop. Stop with this shit. No one pities you.
Frank is pretty hot. I'd hit that. I mean, just if you're looking for acceptable alternatives.

Oh my God, Laszlo is a pig. That sucks.

Is Martha stupid or something? ... Yeah, she's STUPID or something.

(How did it take the Doctor THAT LONG to recognize that the thing was from Skaro? If I were the Doctor, I would kind of have everything about Skaro memorized. JUST, YOU KNOW, FOR KICKS. BIGGEST ENEMY, ET CETERA.)

I kind of love Tallulah. And these ridiculously bad 1930s New York accents.


Annnnnnd, thank you, BBC. I now have a whole slew of sexual fantasies that involve David Tennant clapping his hand over my mouth and shoving me back into a dark alcove. Jesus. Jesus Christ.

I now totally love Tallulah! That dialogue was so Jossian. "That kinda implies it's from outer space. ... Yet again, a 'no' with the kidding." AHAAHAHAHAHA. "IMPLIES." Unrelated, also: you know what pisses me off and confuses me at the same time? When people don't understand the difference between "imply" and "infer." I don't get it. How is it hard? How does it even remotely resemble rocket science?

And then I hate Tallulah again. Because ... I mean ... she's just an idiot. Oh, well. So much for interesting characters.

All I want is to give Rose back to the Doctor. He is so broken and sad and Dalek-accosted.

I'm kind of excited, although at the same time filled with trepidation. I know this is a two-parter. And I have never before been through a Doctor Who two-parter on a regular season run, when I have actually had to WAIT for the next bit. It makes me feel special! And yet I know that it will make me miserable and anxious. Something horrible is about to happen.

The other comforting thing is that nothing can possibly be worse than Doomsday, so. (Old-school fans, that's it, collectively roll your eyes. I am in love with Billie Piper and I am not ashamed.)

1. Tallulah needs to be accepting of Laszlo. Already that whole scene was SO Buffy/Angel in "What's My Line?" when she kisses him anyway. "I DIDN'T EVEN NOTICE." OH, JOSS.

2. And cut back to the gorgeous Frank. Please do not turn Frank into a pig, for I am obsessed with him. GORGEOUS. I LOVE IT WHEN GORGEOUS PEOPLE ARE IN TWO-PARTERS.

Martha doesn't know what a Dalek is! That's so cute. I remember when Rose didn't know what a Dalek was. And when Sarah-Jane first discovered them. That is adorable.

Frank is holding Martha. AM I RIGHT?!!

"You're the smartest guy I ever dated." <-- That was beautiful, right there. OH, TALLULAH.

Why does the Doctor not know what they do with the high-intelligence prisoners? I mean, smartest man in the universe, right? Is this really difficult?

I'm Martha! I have hissyfits when met with disaster instead of reacting in a rational way! I also yell at my captors two minutes after telling everyone around me not to make a scene so that they don't do anything horrible to us. I am probably the worst-drawn Who companion in quite awhile. This is sad for me.

(I'm David Tennant! I'm ridiculously hot! I'll be taking you from behind!)

I'm the Doctor. Whenever anything happened to Rose, I went fuck-crazy. Now something has happened to Martha and I'm not really saying anything at all, just having my usual ideas and making sarcastic remarks about kisses. I'd just like to point that out. DOCTOR/ROSE FOR THE WIN.

I'm Tallulah. It's hard to run in these shoes.

I am hilarious. (I'm being Nina now.) My first thought was, "YES! THEY KEPT THE SADDLE SHOES! I AM SO GLAD TO SEE THAT!" Thank God Davros designed for genetic meshing that would allow fancy pinstriped suits and saddle shoes to remain unharmed. Forward-thinking guy, eh?

"I am a human Dalek. I am your future." That's nice, but without those shells they don't really have any power. You know? They've got nice guns. And scanning things. And suction cups that look like toilet plungers that can choke people to death. I am afraid this Dalek (only a grammarian would view "human Dalek" as a more pro-Dalek statement than Dalek human) will soon find that raising your palm in the air and yelling "EXTERMINATE!" doesn't quite have the same effect.

Now seems the appropriate time to mention that when Rose and the Doctor were finally reunited at the end of "Dalek," they didn't hug. That seemed weird to me. Wasn't it weird?

As a final comment, I'd like to remind the fine people at BBC Wales that the Doctor is supposed to be very smart. So they might want to get on that. He showed remarkably little Hot Knowledge & Deduction in this episode. Or maybe it's just that biology talk doesn't turn me on. Or that "chromatids" and "DNA" are not the height of impressive jargon. It's not that David's hotness in this episode isn't to be commended; it's that the Doctor's supposed to be hot 'cause he is, not cause he cares more about finding new colors of suit than keeping a few Skaro-ian genetic codes in his head.

But I promise, I liked this! It lived up to most of my expectations. Swing music is good, as is Gershwin, as are phony New York accents, as are adorable love stories featuring people who turn into pigs. Really, it's all golden. I eat it up.

(Who is it on the writer's staff that has a pig obsession? Should someone be talking to them about this? It seems unhealthy.)

Frank has beautiful eyes, and quite satisfactory hair. You know what I'm saying.

doctor who, dw: episode reactions

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