The Waiting Game (1/1)

Jul 01, 2009 13:59

Title: The Waiting Game
Part: 1 of 1
Author: ninamazing, or Nina
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica
Word Count: 277
Rating: R
Spoilers: Through 3x01 "Occupation"
Characters: Racetrack/Skulls
Excerpt: She heard the beep of a DRADIS console button, and then the shuffling of Skulls's flight suit as he got up and crawled behind her.
Author's Note: Written for bsg-pornbattle (prompt: we pull the worst assignments), originally posted there.

Under normal circumstances, Margaret would have loved nothing better than to pick a harmless fight with her persnickety (and wildly hot) copilot. In this Raptor, a few klicks away from the planet where the majority of civilization was in Cylon prison camps, normal circumstances were out of the question.

"I didn't say I was disagreeing with you," she tossed back, and slumped in the pilot's seat with her face in her hands. "You're right," she mumbled through her fingers. "We really do pull the worst assignments."

"Aww, Racetrack, is that defeat I hear?" Skulls replied. She heard the beep of a DRADIS console button, and then the shuffling of Skulls's flight suit as he got up and crawled behind her.

His warm arms slid, slowly and surely, over her shoulders and around her stomach. Racetrack grinned.

"Don't let it get to you," said Skulls, his baritone low against the top of her head. "We'll catch something soon. Someone will escape, and get word to us. We'll form a plan. And in the meantime ..." In the meantime, Margaret noticed, his hands were getting mighty roamy. Skulls curved around the side of her chair and pressed his mouth to her neck, slowly, surely. She took one of his hands in hers; he kissed the space just below her ear and sucked her sensitive skin between his teeth until she gasped, and squirmed into his touch.

She recalled the sound of his strangled moans in the mostly-empty barracks, every night since they'd left New Caprica and the orbital defense patrol. She realized, her nerve ends suddenly sizzling, that those moans might have had more to do with her than she'd thought.

bsg: racetrack/skulls, bsg: minor characters, bsg-pornbattle, battlestar galactica, adult-rated, challenges

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