Title: Untitled (a series of one-sentence fics based on various themes)
ninamazing, or Nina
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica
Word Count: 351.
Rating: G through R.
Spoilers: Through Season 3.
Characters: Given in order of fics. Athena; Adama, Cottle; Kara/Tigh (if you want to read it that way); Kara, Mal (Firefly); D'Anna; Gaius/Caprica Six; Chief/Cally,
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An XF one of these would be amazing though *hints*
An XF one of these would be amazing
But you already did it! And it was amazing! I didn't want to step on your toes!
Aw, yay!
lol I did it, but I pinched it off my friend who did it (not sure if her post is f-locked but OMG if you can read it do!).
I didn't want to step on your toes!
Hehe, thank you. Though I wouldn't have minded =)
I don't usually deal well with compliments but thank you!
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