OKAY SO HERE'S THE DEAL. i went to art school and it made me hate drawing but i didn't want to hate drawing so i signed up for nuke big bang. and the thing is that i don't read fanfic. i mean, i'd like to, but i have no attention span. i just can't do it.
BUT THEN THIS MIRACLE HAPPENED. i signed up for a fic that i really really liked! and i actually read the entire thing. THIS IS A SERIOUS MIRACLE. i ended up loving the fic, but more importantly, i made such a great friend in the author! we talked about all sorts of things and she didn't seem to be annoyed by my endless stories about my life like most of my customers and family members are, and she is so sweet and funny and honestly very wonderful.
I LOVED NUKE BIG BANG. thank you very much everyone who organized it, and thank you especially to my amazing author, secondmezzanine! i'm sorry i don't know how to turn your username into a link. but honestly GO READ THE FIC. it's really really good. and the author is really great too. and i hope you like the art! thank you!
and now go read the story. :D