
May 25, 2007 11:28

I'm Charlie, Mum of Chloe aged 7 months. I just set up a community for parents doing "attachment parenting" in the UK to get support and network, whilst I was recruiting someone (i'm sorry I forget who!)recommended this community so here I am!

The Questions!

Breastfeeding: Yes absolutely, no problems at all thankfully, I suspect our problems will start when the time comes to stop! Not that we're in a hurry to stop!

Co-sleeping: yes - hoping to set up a bedside cot at the weekend though and see how we go with that. I get terrible separation anxiety though so I'm more worried about me than Chloe!

Not leaving to cry: Never never never. Despite endless well meaning advice that I'm going to have to do it at some point.

Babywearing: Yep. Sold a hotsling and a Moby D and are now totally loving our Babyhawk Mei Tai.

Child-led education: Probably not. I have some theories about this that I haven't finished sorting through in my head yet!

Cloth nappies: Sadly no. But am considering starting...

Homebirth: No... way too terrified to contemplate the idea. As it happened, it was a good thing I was in hospital.

Vaccinations: yep... all of them.

Circumcision: NO.. Very very anti.

Look forward to reading all your posts!


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