So I saw Midnight in Paris, and ohmygosh, it was the best. I loved how understated the time-travel aspect was. It didn't take over the movie at all, the characters barely batted an eyelash and being transported back in time 30-90 years (depending on what point in time they start from.) And how everyone in the past was so friendly like "oh, yeah, we've just met you on the street, come drink with us!" It's great. And it's like they don't even notice how incongruous the time-travelling characters are, which might bug some people, but I found strangely charming. Everyone in this movie just accepts everything as it is. Also, everyone in the past is hilarious, Salvador Dali in particular.
Oh--and the costumes. Oh, my gosh, the costumes. Have I mentioned how enamored I get of formal clothing and period clothing? If not, I'm mentioning it now. Twenties flapper outfits and three-piece suits all over the place, I was in heaven. SO MUCH EYE CANDY. What was also eye candy was the MANY, MANY shots of Paris, including the first five minutes of the movie, which is basically shots of Paris set to a jazz tune. So much beautiful, beautiful scenery. This whole movie was filled with beautiful scenery.
I really liked how, at the end, the protagonist realizes he has to be satisfied with his own time and his own present, but doesn't lose his...idealism, I guess? He's still very much in love with Paris, and still has this whimsy and dreamer's look to him, but he's alright with being in his present.