This is a pretty good representation of my mindset at the moment

Jul 25, 2011 19:32

This is a fic: a dangerous carnivorous creature that preys on writers everywhere, its food of choice being their brains. It will feed on the brain of the writer until the writer completes it (the fic), at which point it will put forth gorgeous multicolored blossoms in hopes of attracting readers. 

It's physical appearance is reminiscent of a Venus fly trap with tentacles and, um, actual teeth. Unless you've seen Little Shop of Horrors, in which case you don't need a description. Just picture the plant. 
Now that this has been established, this here is my poor tortured writer's mind currently:

Anyway. I've been watching shows recently. SyFy shows, to be exact. (God, that name is so stupid. It was fine as Sci-Fi, guys. It really was.)

@Eureka: I am freaking done with this show. It's just-the whole time travel thing, and the job-switch thing, and IDEK why even the whole spaceship thing happened and just. I'm done. Sorry guys, you had me until this latest episode.

@Warehouse 13: I'm not convinced you're living up to your potential either, but it's awesome to have Pete and Myka back, because their dynamic is cool and fun and snarky and flirty and just really nice to watch. New Guy seems pretty cool, and props for having an open, admitted gay character. Of course, not sure if that's going to come to anything, but we'll see. Also, you need to do something about your absolutely atrocious special effects budget. The Warehouse is so CG it hurts. It hurts my eyes to look at. SYFY, GIVE THIS SHOW SOME MORE MONEY, PLEASE. :D
Also, I'm not too impressed with your big-bad-with-face-in-shadow-killing-his-minions thing you're got going on, but we'll see.

@Alphas: This is pretty kickass. The team has an cool family dynamic with the squabbling and the petty disagreements and the "do you have change for the meter?" My one nitpick is that synesthesia does not mean enhancing the senses. At all. At least, not in the way featured here. But whatevs, they called it that like once from what I've seen.

wtf is this madness honestly, doodles, it's sci-fi not syfy, show: alphas, tv that i watch, tv: warehouse 13, don't mind me folks, wtf am i doing, tv: eureka

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