Goofy night

Nov 02, 2005 21:06

An evening alone in the dark on the balcony with the insects cluttering up my laptop monitor.

If you ask questions like "I want to..." or "I need to" or "How do I?" all the time, then check out the collection of I want to .. resources compiled by by Phil Bradley. I was interested to spot several that I use and some that I would like to later try out. It is interesting to read this list and realise how many free things can now be done on-line.

One that caught my eye again was Indy Custom radio, a music discovery tool. After downloading and installing Indy, it starts to play independent songs that users rate from 1 to 5. Indy uses this information to learn what you like and figure out what music you'll like next. if you rate a song highly, and another user also likes the same song, Indy guesses that you'd probably like other music that they enjoyed. The interface is easy to use and the media collected is organised into different folders according to the rating given. I ended up listening to some very odd music that scared even the insects away before Indy settled down to some (for my ears) decent music items.

If you like just playing music in the background whilst you work then give Indy a try. Perhaps the Indie music scene is probably just the thing my students need to help wean themselves from their saturated diet of commercial MP3 music rips.

indie, software, song, mp3, radio, internet, music, computer, indy, search engine, insect

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