business blog

Sep 17, 2007 06:53

Today I helped a family friend get their business online. For a while I struggled to enable a wireless network connection on his trusty Toshiba A100. This was until I figured out that a small wireless switch, hidden on the left hand side needed to be turned on! In less than an hour we were able to create a blog account and even post a few pages.

You may ask "why a blog?" instead of creating a traditional and generally static website cut with a HTML web editing client then uploaded the pages by FTP. Well the online tools used to create and maintain a blog are easy to understand and use. Not only can photographs be easily uploaded and embedded into new blog posts, a swag of different functions and attractive themes can be applied. There are many free sites that host blogs to start with.

Whilst a large organisation would be better to consider exploiting the content management system and community plumbing provided by Drupal, a FLOSS content management system, a small businesses should consider using a web2 blog option. Supported by a mailing list, the social networking functions of a blog solution fit nicely into the business model for a small business that is looking to promote their services online and network with existing clients.

html, blogging, ftp, business, cms, internet, drupal, floss

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