Fascinating cloud formation Photograph of an interesting looking cloud formation above our school, probably containing some Mammatus Clouds. This image was adjusted
from a previous photograph by cropping, and making a huge adjustment to the contrast to increase the detail. Not my best but I am fascinated by this cloud type.
New South Wales is taking another battering with violent weather. There is even news that
fooding closed some schools in Victoria today. I saw this once at our school when the gutters on the roof became blocked with assorted detritus and the corridor roof could not cope with the volume of rain collecting above. It all came streaming down through any holes in the roof cavity and even through some light fittings.
There is even a forecast for snow in Victoria to 600 meters so there might be a sprinkling on the hill where I live. Tonight we have a log cracking on the fire (all the wood is salvaged or home grown) and a cat has jumped up onto my rocking chair to push the laptop away for a place on my lap.
Does make you stop to think how our climate might be slowly changing with all this energy in our weather system. I am pleased that my Research Science students can do something by collecting weather data for the GLOBE project with already a baseline with 10 years of weather data.
Next thing is for us to ask all the hard questions.