I love how Drupal describe themselves as community plumbing on their website. I was interested to see the different groups and applications for using Drupal at their
online gallery and the battery of support with the different modules to enhance the website functions.
http://drupal.org An
IBM website planning guide details the development of a web site for an organisation using Drupal, MySQL and Apache. A school could o some cool things if they use a mix of four opensource projects integrating
Moodle, and
Mediawiki, an undertaking already being given serious code consideration by the
open academic group.
WIth this setup, it will be very easy for office staff to modify pages as content managers, for admin staff to add new pages or modify the navigation structure, to add new functions from amongst the different modules. In all, building a community website with the website functions that best suit our needs. Coupled with Moodle, we can include the online flavors needed to support our clasess, Elgg for blogging and digital portfolios and a Wiki to encourage collaboration and authoring.
The challenge for my school website is how best to juggle a community of contributors with dozens of different languages to shuffle, input, translate, and their training. I am already assembling a network of members to give me some feedback about their dreams and aspirations for the VITTA website.
Things are looking good, very good for 2008