Something to measure A fortnight ago, I was invited by Jenny to give a presentation about GLOBE at an ASISTM cluster meeting. I was very impressed by the efforts a nearly primary school that we walked to. Sadly, I had packed the wrong batteries into my camera. We were later given a tour of PepperGreen farm.
PepperGreen Farm is a community environmental and heritage park that provides educational demonstrations of the merits of sustainable horticultural, environmental, water and energy techniques practiced in an urban environment. Here is a
slideshow of photographs that I took at this farm.
The Chinese community on this site during the 1800's contributed much to the local community with locally fired bricks and a valuable market garden. The farm commemorates this now with a moon gate and small Chinese house. Nearby I saw an experiment with a water recycling system to slow and store some of the storm water draining away from a nearby urban estate.
This dry old rain gauge summed up our feelings on this parched day. A bore hole in the background is used to measure depth of the falling water table. In the context of a hard hitting drought, this new ASISTM group is working towards a fantastic sustainable school model.
I wish them all the very best and look forward to hearing more about their work and findings.