Today marks the end of Year 3 Semester 1!
that to say, we are done with FYP :D wheeeeeeeeeeeee. It may had been a rough journey but thank god we pressed on and got it through. I hope we'll receive some above satisfactory grade :/ heh
So my well-needed holiday break is finally here!!!! It's been a really tiring semester. Even though I was really happy after my 3 hours difficult paper today, the feeling of tiredness seems to weigh more than happiness. But nevertheless, Ding Tai Fung with the 3 girlfriends was awesome :D
I guess the main reason behind why I/we are so rest-deprived is because we didn't had any good break this year. After 2.1 ended, I was packed with India study mission and internship all the way till Aug before 3.1 started.
I hope and want to fully utilize this 1 month holiday by playing, resting and working hard enough to recharge for a new year ahead :D
Flying off in slightly more than a day's time! Just managed to take my luggage out and haven't pack a single thing. That's so me always doing last minute packing! hahaa, Can't wait to go!
But before that, gonna crashhhhhhhhhhhh. Goodnights!