Aug 17, 2009 19:08
so, aside from not getting paid, which i was somewhat surprised by; i have also found out today that my benefits have not started. this did surprise me since i was told that they had been started and i had also received my insurance cards. however, after trying all weekend to get my prescription first refilled, and then transferred across state lines, which is apparently a problem, i found out at walgreens that i am not in my insurance company's system. the very helpful pharmacists had my card, my medication, my id number, and were even talking to the company on the phone, checking by id number, and name, and birthday, not there. i can only conclude i am not in the system. and since im not getting paid even if i was willing to run the reimbursement later risk, i cant afford to front the money now. i ran out of medication this morning. more should be in the mail from home. however the next few days of school are going to be ... interesting.
on unrelated notes, i left my lunch at home today, after making it. felt like an idiot when i got to school. fortunately had some meal bars stashed in the office.
got a new advisee today, turns out she is also my only freshman, and a student of mine first period, her first time in class today as well, she just registered on friday. handed out all my advisees' id tags today in my prep period.
good news, my last period of the day is taught in the driver's ed room. today i was told i can stay in the basement physics room both 6th our and 7th hour (7th is last) so i dont need to run down the hall with all my crap, and i have a better room set up and storage. that was nice. though i need to make a new seating chart again.
i have a long term plan for what i want to teach in what order. i only have material made through half of wednesday. though i have stuff printed just not copied because i guess the av people that have the copy machines dont like staying until 6pm at the school like i seem to (i have stayed till 6pm every day ive been at the school, and i went in on saturday). soooo i have stuff to copy tomorrow, including a wkst i am handing out for homework tomorrow. looks like i will be waking up a little earlier today.
intervention went well. thats the class with 8 or 9 students and 4 teachers where we teach them how to not fail classes and help them with their homework. today i helped 4 students with science work and 2 with math homework. it was good. i am really looking foward to how that class progresses; especially since this is the first year the high school has tried it so we get a lot of say in how it is formed and run.
3rd hour was crazy again today, though, when i whipped out some detentions from my shirt pocket as a threat to kids things calmed down considerably for a while. likelihood, with extra stress of not being medicated tomorrow... detentions will probably will be issued. i dont understand why that class disrespects me so. none of my other classes do, i wonder what makes that class different. oh well, i'll just have to figure it out and work on it.
i think thats all for now...
~frederick m. warren