As we get nearer and nearer to graduation, more and more people have been asking me what I'm going to do . . . and I don't know what to tell them . . . "Surely there's something you really want to do?" they ask, "Graduate school? Travel?" and there's the thing: I don't have any goals, or dreams, or any wants for the future . . . and I just feel
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1. Lying.
2. Anal-retentive type-A personalities who were probably in 500 clubs in highschool plus volunteering and being valedictorian and took SAT prep courses because they just knew exactly what kind of college they wanted to go to. These are the people that are the human husks that feel like life isn't meaningful if not totally thought out. These are also the ones most likely to experience high-powered job/academic burnout halfway through their "dream" experience. Not knowing what you're going to do tomorrow is fucking liberating and everyone entrenched in some career or academic goal wishes they could be in your position come May.
You need to tell those people who ask, straight up "I don't know." I used to say something blah blah about grad school, which yeah maybe I'd like to but even then god knows what I'd want to pursue... but now I just say "I don't know" because it's the truth, and I don't feel like I'm less of a person for not knowing. These are the kind of people who when you first graduated from highschool said "are you going to college?" and when you finally got to college the next question was "do you know what you're going to major in?". These are the same people who when you have a significant other for a long time they ask "when are you getting married?" and once you're married it's "when are you going to have kids?". Fuck those people.
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