Mar 02, 2006 09:12
plainsgirl17: you'll love what cliff is taking
plainsgirl17: cliff is taking brit lit 1, european novel, early shakespeare, the american presidency, photo-j and interpreting texts (another ENGL course)
Rachel W.: fun!
Rachel W.: i'm so jealous
plainsgirl17: he'll have to go into hermitage
plainsgirl17: originally you were supposed to be right here with us
Rachel W.: gosh i know
Rachel W.: i look back sometimes
plainsgirl17: ah, it'll be worth it when you're making major bank and i live in a tree house in your yard
Rachel W.: thats what i tell myself
Rachel W.: pretty much exactly
plainsgirl17: i feel like frasier after his father makes a smart-ass comment
Rachel W.: why?
plainsgirl17: what you just said was very Marty Crane
plainsgirl17: I've watched six episodes of Frasier over the last six days
plainsgirl17: I'm enrobed now
Rachel W.: completely, it seems
Rachel W.: i havent seen that show in forever
plainsgirl17: it's a great show
Rachel W.: no reruns lately
plainsgirl17: the wit, out of this world
plainsgirl17: cliff gave me season one
plainsgirl17: he's obsessed
Rachel W.: as a gift or to borrow?
plainsgirl17: to borrow
plainsgirl17: he'd have a minor coronary if i took them
Rachel W.: i dont doubt that he would
Rachel W.: perhaps simply "a fit"
plainsgirl17: it would involve at the least heart palpitations
Rachel W.: oh they always do
Rachel W.: but fits are so southern
plainsgirl17: you're right
plainsgirl17: and what is cliff if not as southern as scarlett?
plainsgirl17: as a mint julep, sipped in the musky sunset of the southern sky?
Rachel W.: alright english major
Rachel W.: am i going to have to make a graph of cliff's southern-ness
Rachel W.: perhaps in excel?
plainsgirl17: that would be hysterical
plainsgirl17: why don't you do that and post it in LJ
Rachel W.: how the theft of a frasier season might affect it
plainsgirl17: and i'll post this conversation
Rachel W.: i'll get right on that
Rachel W.: after class of course