Feb 24, 2006 08:53
Plainsman parties are the best. It was just freaking awesome to be able to hang out with everybody without the pressures of the office ... now, don't get me wrong. The office is incredibly fun too (especially at 2 o'clock Monday mornings) but we just had a really good time last night.
Intrigue vs. Sports photos were phenomenal. Those (and many more cool photos) will be up soon on my Facebook, as always.
So Niki got editor-in-chief ... I know something like two of you actually know Niki, but she's amazing. I am so excited for her and for the chance to work with her in that manner. As Cliff would say, it's a mitzvah!
Oh, and yes, I made it to my classes this morning. Without any fuss. Every once in a while my natural adrenaline kicks in and saves me, and this morning was one of those times. I went to bed at 3 last night and actually woke up EARLY, at about 7:30 a.m. I dozed off until my alarm went off, but I was so ready to get up that I actually woke up a couple more times while waiting for the alarm to go off and felt completely fine. Perhaps my blood has finally morphed into a steady stream of caffeine. That'd be exciting.
Today, I get to buy presents for my Mom and Trey, pack, and work on midterm stuff until pretty late tonight ... then Patrick and I are driving to North Alabama to see his cousin get married, then to Talladega tomorrow to see my family and celebrate my little bro's birthday. It'll be a lot of stuff, but it'll be a lot of fun. Then on Sunday we're coming back late and I'm spending a few hours reviewing stuff for my various midterms. Major fun, as always.
Y'all have an amazing weekend! Love you all!