
Oct 06, 2006 10:29

Today is one of those days which is not one of my least initially. And it's all to do with the time before the night-shift starts. My colleagues and I sometimes refer to this state as 'pre-nights blues'..'cos it's really just weird,feeling like you're in limbo. However, I'm not having the 'blues' at all! Infact I'm rather chirpy this morning, almost excited...I'm kinda hoping for an outreach opportunity with one of my colleagues over these set of nights, so perhaps it's the anticipation of what may happen!

I will admit that I've messed up my sleep pattern today.Hence I'm abit so-so. Usually I'd stay up late the night before and then sleep in on the first day, so that I'm only really awake by evening time. But after the meeting last night, I was rather tired and ended up zonking out till this morning!And I've been wide awake since ~8.30am!!!! How oh how am I going to conserve my energy between now and going to work???? This is my dilemma. Getting myself to go back to sleep is almost impossible least I'm not having a shower yet, as that'll only wake me up even more!

On a different note, I really loved the meeting last night. Usually I'm not a fan of small group stuff,..but it was really good yesterday and I left with determination to truly "retain the standard". The practical advice we all came up with was excellent...pray God to ever keep it in our minds, and apply it for real.

Well, I better get back to doing I'll be having 12 hrs worth of A&E patients (on a friday night) to deal with later.


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