Jan 29, 2007 00:36
I'm in two minds as to writing an update...but for the sake of maintaining some continuity, I'm making an attempt anyway.
I've been very busy over the past week. Spent each day traveling to work in Stirling, with only 1 day of respite being able to stay over at a friend's house near to the hospital and thus get an extra hours sleep :-) The main plus-point of those early morning drives was getting to appreciate the beautiful sunrises. Major minus-point was the rush hour traffic..but hey.
Work itself wasn't too taxing from a medical perspective, but it was very tedious when I was asked to do someone else's letter dictation! They'd left over 60 letters to be done, and this got passed on to me...I managed over 30 letters, definitely more tricky when you don't have a clue about the patients, and have to rely on someone else's notes *breathe*
In the midst of all this I was negotiating between 2 car dealers re getting myself a new car, and thankfully, that saga is almost over. And I am so impressed with my insurance company...really pleased with their services.
A major highlight was the success of a suprise birthday party on saturday which was held for Stephen J's 30th. He was totally gobsmacked ;-) It was a lovely occasion, enjoyed by all...and particularly the birthday boy. [Colin will hopefully have some pictures and videos on his LJ to illustrate the events...I don't have the technical know-how :) ]
Been blessed by the services at church too, much needed food for the soul.
This coming week will be busy too, but hopefully with less miles to travel, and some time to just 'be'.
9 days and counting till my new job- wahey!