That's right, folks. I've officially converted to "Friends' Only" status here at LiveJournal. Though my user info says it's for "personal reasons," the truth is, I want one of those nifty "Friends' Only" banners! XD Yes, I "phail."
Interested in friending? Please note the following, then post a comment to the entry. I'll more than likely add you to the list.
1. My
bio is the best place to start. Profile is updated regularly to appease my ever-changing moods and interests.
2. Entries range from cynical to sarcastic to generally amused, though nothing is overly-angsty or sentimental. I don't post "personal" business. There are some things YOU don't need to know (yes, dear siblings, I'm looking at you).
3. I'm liable to "disappear" without warning. I probably won't comment if I feel I've nothing worthwhile to contribute. If you have a problem with either, I doubt we'll be friends for long.
4. My primary fandoms include, but are not limited to, Yoroiden Samurai Troopers, The Legend of Zelda, Dead or Alive, Hyakuu Ju Oh Goraion, and despite the fandom being full of fucktards, InuYasha. Again, I have other interests, but these are the series/franchises discussed at greatest length.
5. Yaoi/Yuri/Slash is somewhat of a pet-peeve. Bear in mind, I have several Yaoi/Yuri/Slash supporters amongst my f-list. If it's your preference, fine, but if your journal is littered with Yaoi fanfiction and "OMG, CloudxSephiroth!!!~XDDD *hugglesgigglypoo*," then I'd reconsider.
6. I love fanfiction, though I'm disappointed to say, it's slim pickings at
Fanfiction.Net. I usually don't discuss fanfic ideas/stories in my LJ, but if you write fanfiction for one of the aforementioned fandoms, feel free to leave a comment or better yet, direct yourself to my
user profile at FF.Net.
7. FFVII bashing. 100% guaranteed. Don't like it, don't comment.
...If you're still interested, leave your mark below.