I deleted the Myspace today. I had a lot of blogs on it that I considered keeping but as with the contents of this journal, sometimes you have to cut out certain things that are no longer relevant to your life or interests; for better or for worse. I had to really think hard about this weeding I was about to do because you know, words are powerful things and they can often place an idea one step closer to manifestation, so I had put some time and effort into some of the entries. Naturally I got a little wistful for a minute, but the truth of the matter is no one reads anyone's blogs and everyone who bothers writing them is desperately hoping that people will. Unless your shit manages to make it onto the front page of a popular social "news" website, no one reads any of it. Don't come at me wearing your serious business face, yelling, "Well I don't care if anyone reads it! I write for myself and I'm just expressing my creativity". We all know that's total bullshit. I write for myself too: in an actual notebook, with an actual pen. And if that makes me feel a little out of touch with the digital age, sometimes I get a little technological and open up the text editor to jot down some notes. I can admit it even though I'm currently mocking it, I'm totally guilty of writing on the internet with hopes that people will care. Besides, if you really want attention for your words, the last place you're going to look for that attention is Myspace: A Place for Misleading Camera Angles.
So yeah, no more Myspace. I've moved onto Facebook which I think still places me far behind the times in regards to the whole social networking thing but if Twitter is the future, long live the good old days. I actually have a Twitter, and the reason why I signed up and never used it is... it probably had something to do with Talk of the Nation, feeling horribly optimistic one day, and thinking I would embarrass myself by posting the least intellectual comment of the day. If I remember correctly I think I might have had something to say about marijuana legislation, surprise surprise, but thankfully I chickened out. Like the time I tried to call Marc Steiner regarding places in Maryland to go hiking. If anyone is curious, I was going to say that I think Double Rock is a good starter place to hike because it makes you feel like you're doing something rad because of the rocks and water and trees and shit, but really you're only like five minutes from the safety and comfort of Baltimore City so it's ok. But it was Marc fucking Steiner, he's like a god among men, so I giggled and hung up when the screener answered the call.
I also use far too many words to describe the smallest shit so that's why Twitter couldn't work for me, obviously. I tend to have a lot to say about one thing as opposed to the Twitter format, where in order to fit inside the space you have to be able to say a little about a lot. "I took a walk today. My feet hurt", "I have a headache", "I just shit on myself". Also, Twitter seems to be for whiners and I don't whine, I rant. To me whining sounds like a child, whereas ranting sounds like a grown person, and we all know that children don't know as much as adults and must be some sort of inferior beings because of that. It's fine that I just said that, everyone thinks it but never wants to say it, especially parents. I dare you to find a single parent who hasn't lost patience with their child for not knowing something that we know seemingly by instinct. Anyway, ranting about something isn't really better than whining, but it's different in a way that I like. Ranting forces the writer to think about the best words to express their discomfort in any given situation, therefore coming away from the experience feeling a tad bit smarter.
At least that's how I feel. And since I guess LiveJournal qualifies as some sort of blog, I'll say these things:
1. No one is reading this.
2. Even though I hope they do.
3. I have probably put pictures on Myspace that may or may not have utilized misleading camera angles in order to make me look a little better. But nothing as bad (or as good?) as this bitch: