Dec 17, 2006 15:50
Im sitting at wokr right now, adn theres no one here to buy coffee from me, oh well.. Man life has changed somuch since the last time i wrote. I forgot about LJ for a little bit, but then i talked to rachel, and she reminds me of livejournal. I dont know why but she does.. lol
Anyways Im not going to upsate because Im tired of whineing and because it will probably bore any person that by some whim decideds to read this... .
But I do look back a past posts Ive made, adn they were all so stupid, like my last one before this. Whineing because nobody comments adn i have no friends.. You can be your own best friend. lol..
There are way bigger things to whine and compain and worry about.. Trust me.. lol, not like I know or anything..
I also am to the point where society bores me, Its the sam ething over and over again, people talk, its the same thing, its true history repeats itself.. Im very rarely surprised by things any more, really the only thing that does is peoples actions, but by now im beginngin to expect the worst from people, and even my self.
Im Changing, Im going to be a better person, and im going to be ashley, I havent been able to be her for like the past 5 months. But ya know what i dont care anymore.. Shes a good person, one of the few, when she actually gets to be herself. the world needs more good people.
I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday break wether you celebrate what ever you do, or even if you dont, just enjoy this time you get to your self, pamper your self. and be true to you.