today was an eventful day...
- had my first last day of crazy is that?! wow it's insane...
- hung out with rick
- went to best buy to get a polaroid's so flipping awesome!!! i am in love with it...and it was only 75$ with film...and by the way that polaroid film is like 20 dollars for 20 pictures...arggggg...thats a bit much....but oh well it's still cool...
- took my books back and got over 100$ for them...woowoo...and that didn't even include one of the books...
- ate entirely way too much junk food today...that will happen no more...i'm done with fast food...and i need to exercise a ton more so yay for being kind of healthy!!!
- saw michelle and shaun while driving on the way to ricks hose and it made me laugh...but i couldn't like make it noticable that i was there because rick was driving so yeah...but had i been driving i somehow would have gotten their attention...hahaha
- acquired two new dvds: 'life aquatic' and 'eternal sunshine of the spotless mind'...both very good!!!
- still remained a bit pissed off at mtv and their darn inferno and jodi being kicked off...stupid fools at mtv! (yes i am overreacting over a show...i do not care!)
...okay so i suppose it wasn't all that exciting...but it was a day i'll tell you that much!!!