Nov 10, 2006 01:41
I guess I should update.
I just read my last few entries and w0ah dang. Maybe I should explain some.
So I live with my grandpa now bc Mr. Keith won't let me back in the house.
I have to sneak over there when he's out of town just to see my mom and Eric...and the cat.
I don't have a car.
I don't have a job.
I don't have any money.
I pretty much don't have anything.
-My grandpa takes me to school in the mornings and picks me up in the afternoon. Josh gets me when he's off from work.
-I'm STILL at freaking BRCC. Can't pass this damn 094 math for anything.
I have NO clue how I'm going to pay for next semester's tuition.
This semester's tuition was hell enough to try to get. Mr. Keith told me I could only go to school if I paid for it myself. Good job lying to me and saying "as long as you're in school..." yadda yadda, and "an education is so important!..." yeah, he must of thought it was hilarious or something bc I freaked out until last minute when my mom's parents finally helped me and gave me the money. Don't get me wrong, I'm doing good in school right now and I feel like that's proving to them that I care and that I'm thankful.
[[I'm probably gonna mix this whole entry up and make everything out of order so just bare with me....and I'll probably go on and on about something totally off topic too...]]
anyway... just recently Mr. Keith told my mom... "you know, holidays are coming up...why doesn't Kelli just come and apologize to me for being ungrateful.." UM OKAY. #1 I'm not apologizing for SHIT. I have been so happy over here at my grandpa's...I can't even explain how much more stress free I have been since I moved here. I'm not a slave for one. I help my grandpa with laundry and dishes but he gets mad when I help. So not only that, I don't think my grandpa has ever yelled at anyone in his entire life... besides my dad..and the dog. I'm not a victim of verbal abuse over here. Bruises fade, memories good or bad, stay forever. And #2 I'm gonna grow and keep my balls bc I'm not apologizing. Ungrateful? I laugh. Bc what have you done for me? Yeah, you paid for my school at CPShit and you gave me a car. wanna know something? when you married my mom... you sucked that shit up and you KNEW that me and Eric went to a private school. don't put me in this; it was your decision to pay for a stupid private school. and the car situation? yeah it was nice, but hey.. I know you and mom were tired of trying to find me and Eric a ride to and from school... not to mention, you were also pretty tired of paying someone 100$ a WEEK to take us to school. man, that girl made BANK. so you're inclined to get me a car bc it'll save YOU money. it was just a privilege for me. and I was SO nice to you. you even told me numerous times how much I improved my attitude, how much I've grown up and left my teenage attitude behind. so wtf KEITH were you not appreciative either? fuck you. I did the dishes for mom..NOT YOU, every day... oh and sorry I slacked for like a day.. I had to study a few times in highschool, yeah..just a few.. wanna know why I did so badly in highschool? ever stop to think that when I got home from school, I started loads and loads of clothes..mostly yours bc you're so fucking nasty. and cleaned the house and did dishes all day long? I couldn’t go in my room without you on my case. oh and btw, drink out of only one glass daily ok? just bc you take a sip out of a cup doesn’t mean it's dirty and that you have to get another one. you know, I did all that stuff for MOM not YOU bc I felt bad for her waiting on your ass when she got home from work. she didn't have time for clothes and dishes bc she was waiting on you.
yeah, and also...I'm manipulative. ohhh I laugh some more!
yeah. okay. wanna help me understand this one? I never did anything manipulative. This man is fucking bipolar or something.
the day I moved out... he got in my face.. about a foot from mine and bitched me out and yelled at me bc I didn't work. hey buddy, you're the one that told me that as long as I'm in school, and as long as I helped around the house, that I didn't HAVE to work. so wtf mate? why yell at me for something I had no idea you were so pissed off over? at this point when he's yelling at me... my mom FINALLY decides to intervene... which she never did. she tells him to stop yelling at me and he tells her no.. and if she wants to fight.. to "bring it on" omg. can he be any more retarded? I don't think so...I really don't. so.. he doesn’t stop yelling at me.. and he gets closer.. at this point.. my mom decides to through a fork at him. yeah..what good that does. he walks away like nothing happened.. came back like 5 minutes later and starts yelling again. I'm smirking like a smart ass bc at this point...I don't care. he took away my car, he's not paying for SHIT and he told me to get out of the what else have I got to lose? not a damn thing. and I told him that too. I straight up told him that I didn't care bc he took everything away from me. and he tried to tell me that I have a bad attitude and that people aren't going to like me bc of the way I am. well buddy, let me tell YOU something you faggot, YOU'RE the fucker with enemies. I don't believe I have any. and if I do, wtfever, at least im not fucking mental.
let me tell you something KEITH. I don't drink, I don't smoke, and I don't sleep with a different person every day bc I'm a spoiled little brat that has his own house and brand new car bc Auntie and MAW and PAW give me whatever I want. So you know what, why don't you watch your fucking son and good luck with that loser. He'll be the one making more mistakes in the end, and then you'll look back and realize Kelli didn't do anything wrong, she was a good kid.
Yeah, um....if the worst thing I have ever done is not find a job in 2 weeks, then I'm fucking guilty. Bc I'm thankful that I'm not Brett and I'm thankful that I have a good family that I know would help me more if they could...and I'm even more thankful knowing that you're fucking out of my life and that I never plan on seeing you again. And, if I do happen to see you somewhere, hello stranger, bc I don't fucking know you.
vent vent vent bitch bitch bitch.
yall deserved an update.
yall deserve to know why i've been so anti-social and locked up.
sorry i haven't been online. just myspace me and i'll try to get back to you guys asap.
andhearts! -kellllllll