Jun 18, 2004 02:29
So, as my previous entry netted me such a wide range of replies, I decided to update again, this time hoping to draw even less attention to myself. Getting my free Xbox has been the most exciting thing to happen to me like, ever and I must thank Erik for being the only person to express any sort of interest in that. Fuck you guys. It was free! And from Mountain Dew, perhaps the greatest drink to ever grace this planet!
As far as other interesting things, I've mostly been sitting around and occasionally taking time from sitting to go to the casino and gamble. I've yet to develop any skill when it comes to gambling and so I'm pretty much just throwing away small quantities of money. (Unlike Keef, if I'm not winning anything I STOP.) Eric seems to be pretty amazing as far as betting does, and the last couple of trips he's come up with more money than he went to the casino with. I'm sure you can make the obligatory Jewish joke here and he'd deserve it. Still, he's the one that made 50 bucks with a single nickel.
Work has been ho hum as of late. Andrew got sent home the other day which was nothing short of hilarious (right now he's thinking "At least I can walk normally" which is really cute.). I've been getting close to the maximum amount of hours I'm able to get (29) which isn't nearly enough. However, yesterday Angela, Helen, and I had a discussion about this, and there's a stipulation in the contract that lets us have more hours during the peak months. So starting July 3, 40 hours shall (hopefully) be mine. Angie said I could have the full time hours but knowing my luck, the powers that be will cut the budget or something and everyone will be limited to five.
Oh. Justin becomes a cashier on Monday and that my friends is the TRUTH. Something Justin seems to be afraid of telling as of late. Justin being cashier is going to be a comedy goldmine and everyone should come in and watch.
Today at work, we received a visit from Michelle Kurokowski, who I doubt any of you remember. (save Vennesah, if she even reads this and MAYBE Keef. [Terri's niece.] ) Other than Sandra, Michelle is one of the few people that have left The Farm whom I would actually like to see again. She's always been way nice/hot and she even remembered who I was. I'm really paranoid about people that have left the store forgetting who I am. I don't know why that's a big deal for me and it made me feel awesome. I tried to converse, but then I got scared and just listened to her talk to Marion. I rock.
So, I've probably bored everyone away by talking about work. And now I'm gong to make things worse by talking about TV. I don't have HBO, and because of this I'm certain that I'm missing a lot of quality television. But thanks to the evils of the internet, I've been able to tune in to the wonder that is Deadwood, which chronicles life in The Old West. I'm not sure how accurate it is (I just don't picture cowboys flagrantly throwing around the term "cocksucker" like that but what the hell do I know?) but it's damn entertaining. I shall be viewing the rest of the episodes within the next week or so, and if I have it in me to update, you'll probably be hearing about how awesome it is.
I'm reading Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix again.
I forgot to return Red Dead Revolver to Blockbuster. When I do, (if ever) I'm not going to Blockbuster for at least a year. Best way to beat the system.
So, some shit's been going down lately. It hasn't been very cool and we have come to a general consensus that evil must be committed in order to make things right again. Also, I'm going to go see Saved tomorrow. A night of Jesus followed by evil. Can't really get much better than that.