Oct 26, 2010 17:50
It's been a while but I'm trying to remember to update my life.
Condo: Great! Love it! Hooray!
I decided that I didn't need to respond to C's bizarre email that I referenced in the last entry and that was the best choice for me. Wedding is this weekend for him, and I truly want nothing but for him to be happy, and, I think he is happy. He doesn't need to continue to bait me for any reaason and I've decided it's the best thing to just not respond. I am happy he's happy, though and wish him a lifetime of love.
The Scientist, while a lovely fellow, did not work out with me romantically. I ended it. But, we chat almost every day on IM, and we text each other random things that we're drinking when we are out. I also helped him plan his trip to NYC with his mom, since neither had been, and he surprised me with a delightful bottle of hot sauce as a thank you! I am definitely lucky to call him friend.
Work has been insanity, and although I signed up for it and am grateful for the extra money, it will be nice not to have to be here late every night soon.
Booked my ticket home to WI for the holidays!
Dad and Aunt came for a visit last month and it was amaaaazing fun. Surpassed all expecations, which were, admittedly low (nervewracking mostly) So yay for that happening and going so well.
SoJam is in 3 weeks. I can't believe how fast tickets sold out and the hoops we had to jump through to find more tickets (and what it cost us) but it's going to be beyond totally worth it for everyone that comes and I am really excited about it.
Hosting Thanksgiving for the first time on my own this year, which: will be interesting and hopefully I won't set anything on fire.
There's a Someone that has caught my eye, and I am having a very excellent time so far...so that's lovely.
Looking very forward to the Jon Stewart rally on the Mall this weekend. Usually, rallies of any kind just annoy me, but because this is Jon Stewart (and Stephen Colbert) it's going to be a lot of fun, I am certain. Also, I'll be seeing some NYC friends and that is going to be great.