So, I am finally in my new (rented) house. And I finally have internet (again).
We moved in last Friday. We only moved 5 minutes away and have very little stuff, so it only took us about 5 1/2 hours to get everything moved in. The fun part is unpacking. I've actually gotten quite a bit done already, but we are limited on space (3/1 , 1300sf) here and I don't know what to do with most things yet. Our neighbors are cool. At least the ones to our left. They have come over and both introduced themselves, their grandkids have come over to talk, and they told us that if we need anything, to let them know.
The kids love it here. It's a much quieter street so they can ride their bikes. We have a basketball hoop now so they love that. And its my yard and house, not my dad in law's, so they have more free rein on that.
Speaking of yard? Anyone know how much grass seeds are? What kind should I use for this climate/ease to take care of? I know its easy to plant them (throw em down, rake em in, and water it daily), but I don't know where to start.
Josh has been looking at
this site lately. So now he wants to build a bunch of stuff. I took wood shop in I'm all for it. If we had tools.
Right before we moved, we got letters from the kids' school, that since they are homeless, they get free lunch now. Homeless? This has nothing to do with the move because I never informed the school. Oh well, let the taxes I pay pay for their lunch the rest of this year and I will take care of it next year.
So, since lunch is free now, and they still have money on their accounts, the lunch lady offered Tabs a dessert item. So we are walking through Wal-mart and she's all (out loud, jokingly) "being homeless is fun!". I about died!
Does anyone else think its wrong that Chey's Chorus class (not a actual class) is having a performance in two they sent home a letter yesterday that its required and if they don't go, they will get a 0 grade. But it lasts until after school (7 pm). So shouldn't that be optional since its not a school function? Apparently it was in the Chorus handbook that we signed in the beginning of the school year, but Josh says it isn't right and is going to email the teacher about it. (his anger is mostly because this is happening the same day as bring your kid to work day. If she does this thing with school, she will miss out on byktwd)
Also....heard about
Bill 6 this morning...which I guess was passed yesterday. The main point of the bill, and what is irking me, is that teachers pay and jobs will depend on how well their students test. How fair is that? Especially if you are in charge of unruly kids or kids who have trouble? So, that irritates me. But also...the other part of the bill is something about the release of child abuse records to people of the Department of Education. Why do they need these records? And why is something about Child abuse put in a bill about testing and whatnots?
I don't generally listen to politics...including things like this. I have never even registered to vote. I have never complained about what I disagree with (can't complain if you don't have a voice/decision in it) and don't even like to talk politics. But things like this make me want to vote and have a say. Like this stupid FCAT. I absolutely hate it. a week of nothing but studying how to take the test (not what's covered, just how to take it) so that they take it right and don't screw up the school's grade...which doesn't even matter any more since I don't get to choose my child's school any more. Even if it's a D school, my kid still has to go there if I'm in that district.
I heard this morning that the state of Florida pays over $350 million just to grade the FCAT. That's just to grade it...that's not including the cost of the printing and distributing of the tests. And, also, the companies that grade the tests aren't even in Florida. So that's $350 million going to other state's residences. What about Florida workers and jobs?
Well, that's my rant for today. Thanks for tuning in.
Edit: OMG! I forgot to mention that I watched the new Doctor Who last night. Who else thinks the new logo sucks? What do you think about the new actors? Personally, I almost think they're too young. I am sure they will all grow on me like every new person on the show does.