Oh my goodness... today was the worst day I've had in years, but I got a lot out of it, and am taking a minute to learn from it, and let it go!
My day started out alright, but I've been exessively and stupidly stressing and being too much of a worry-wart lately... so it's been decided (with Samantha's help), that I've been too stressed out over silly things (I blame girl-hormones... at least I don't get all mean and angry every month, right?) and the following happened to teach me a lesson...
· I think the day before was a good warning sign of my impending doom, as I'd scorched the underside of my right arm while cleaning the metal rack for the toaster oven (in a sink with mild water, no less) after it'd cooled down (a little!). Of course when the oven is actually on, and I'm sticking my hands in it to re-adjust a sammich on the tray before I shut the door, I pull my arms out unscathed...
· I ran out of bread, completely, almost half-way through my shift, and finally got some baked... just before I closed
· When I was baking the first batch of bread, guests started pouring in and I'd forgotten about the oven because the line kept growing, and burnt bread isn't as bad as it seems, just very crunchy...
· I realised we are still doing daily specials throughout the week, and I'd been telling people our special was the Family Guy "Feast" sammich instead...
· Turns out we do have little packets of mayonnaise, mustard, and sauces, I just never saw them before until today when I was looking for soup bowl lids - which I never found! Sorry, folks who were asking for the packets...
· Dropping hot chocolate isn't so bad... until you realise it's all over your cell phone, and just barely missed ruining a drawing you've been working on.
· You know that feeling of satisfaction you get when people finally leave you be, and you end up with plenty of time to get the rest of your work done? Yeah, it's pretty great isn't it? Then suddenly, while you're cleaning the tomato slicer and imagining how horrible it'd be to lose fingers (or an arm or leg, even) and would be forced to do everything with only one hand - you find your finger is trapped under an extremely sharp row of blades, and suddenly you're bleeding on everything. Boy what a "Now you know!" moment, eh? Haha..ha..ha...
Needless to say, I had to re-clean the slicer and sanitize it, and ended up doing everything one-handed for the rest of the night, so I didn't get home until 1:30am, and my finger is doomed for a while.
· Some people are unfair and decide to walk out without paying for their sammich and don't get caught - which causes the Plaid Guy Who Happens To Be Working to come over with wads of receipts and we both end up taking too much time trying to figure out what went wrong with our totals since they don't match. It's okay if you steal - just tell me first, it'll make it easier on us
· Some people are incredibly kind, and humbling, because they see that you've just finished with a family (half of them kids, who are running around willy-nilly and not listening to their parents) and since you're now out of most of the bread, and some of the meats, you treat them to free bacon, or extra cheese without cost because they were so patient... and they tip you $5 even though you blush and tell them you aren't supposed to accept tips
I totally accept my fine (sliced finger), and will follow my old rules of life more closely than I have been lately (like, mellow out, and take a chill pill!). Thank you Officer Karma! I'll do my best to not let too much stress take over, again
...just please keep the sharp objects away from me...!