oh this weekend

Jul 29, 2007 22:01

all over the city. TWICE.

saturday--finally bike ride with seb!!! in 90 degree mugginess. west side bike path at 42nd st--> battery park--> carl schurz park, which was incredibly beautiful. but the pristine lawn we curled up on marred by the pale man an arm's length away who resembled a beached whale.---> alice's home-->bike to gabe's on 125th. with my handbag and canvas tote, that wore away at the skin on my knee...

seb, i cannot wait to go to misshapes and feel so inadequately hipster, it's going to be awesome.

sunday--gabe's-->port authority to meet jarad-->LES for lunch at Ruby's!!!!! and RICE TO RICHES! the two best things EVER EVER EVER (egg-plt w/ avocado on ciabatta sanwhich...caramel and man-made marscapone with cherries rice pudding)-->gamelan at the indonesian consulate (i absolutely am enamored of the new song i am learning, and i feel all-powerful learning gangsa kotekan (polos--sangsih is a little hardcore for me to start...) for the first time)-->alice's to pick up remaining posessions-->gabe's to pick up luggage-->125th st. train station-->HOME.

alice is sending me books. about a chinese girl growing up in scarsdale "oh my god, tori, it's like, you're life"--and she wants to take me to see ABSiNTHE? this woman is so insane and awesome.

let me say--what does she sleep on? well, only the dalmation-print bedspread would be fitting for such a personality.

addendum--why is ruby's so great? well, if you can get back the slightly-inappropriate-waitstaff-of-one (australian hottie, but like i said, a little slow), then yea it is great. it is a hole in the wall of a restaurant i stumbled upon perhaps two years ago. so small, ill-equipped, the kitchen staff is cooking on an --ONE--portable electric stove-top, and they squeeze the panini grill for all it's worth. tables are long, communal, and sometimes it can be a little crowded. they serve on vintage plastic plates, the coke bottles--vintage too. sandwiches and salads with fresh & innnovative ingredients (roasted pumpkin, anyone?

this place has turned into my crack. fuck cafe habana man, walk two blocks east.

mulberry btw prince & spring.

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