
Oct 07, 2005 08:12

this is going to be brief cause I can barely has been awesome, I get to work with two awesome managers on different nights and we laugh it up all the time...some nights the time flys and other nights it draaaaaaggggs on "as if the night ould never end..." anywho last night Amy and I ate red pistashios that stained our fingers, teeth, tounges and lips bright PINK boy was that aweful...and trying to brush your teeth with out a toothbrush is very fun (neither one of us wanted to spend the money to buy one) anyways...I do believe it is offical that Loren and I will be married come this time next year!(and here is where I insert a funny story) so a few nights ago Loren and I go to the mall for dinner and I drag him into the jewelery store to help me find the earrings my aunt wants me to scout out to show my uncle so he can get them for her for Christmas, any way Loren being the wonderful man that he is points to the engagement rings and says "shouldn't you be looking at those." and two of the women attack him and get him to fill out a credit application and have me trying on every ring they can seem to pull out of the displays well Loren is approved for a Kay credit card and he bought me a ring!!! it is beautiful!! and it will be done being sized on the 13th and when we go to the cabin with my family for my birthday he is going to "ask my dad for permission" YEY!! I am so excited Lalee and I have already started planning!!!

::boop boop:: mwah ::boop boop::
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