Entry I: The Public Entry.

May 25, 2009 15:29

Happy Memorial Day to those to observe it. Today holds a double meaning for me.

Five years ago today, one of my oldest friends died by accidental drowning. It doesn’t seem possible that he has been gone half a decade. I still see him in my dreams often. He always has such comforting words to give me. He is there for me in death just as he was in life. I wonder what he would have been like had he lived to 26. Instead of a rose memorializing him at my wedding reception if he had actually been there. I still miss him terribly. He was truly one of those people you only meet once in a lifetime -- no one else has even reminded me of him. He was one of a kind.

So -- Oliver Quinten Dean, wherever you are, I miss you. You were taken from us far too soon.

memorials, friends, death

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