(no subject)

Jun 28, 2010 15:25

Everyday, I find myself changing, evolving. Some of the changes in my life have been frightening for me, but I feel like those things needed to happen to get me where I'm going.

I don't often take the time to reflect on how many good things I have in my life. They are plentiful and worth mentioning if for nothing more than me concluding, "Hey! Things aren't as bad as I thought!" I am a little obsessed with making lists. I will not apologize. This list is just as it comes to me, not in order of importance.

1.) My son Trenton. He brings an infinite amount of good energy to my world, and without him, I doubt I'd be even half the person I am today.
2.) My husband TJ. We have had our extreme ups and downs, but we're still very much in love. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't acknowledge, in some way, how special he is to me. I find it hard to believe that we've been together for nearly a decade or even that someone has managed to put up with my neuroses that long. He never ceases to amaze me.
3.) Being stable in adult living -- nice car, well-paying job, having a house of my own, basic financial stability. This is important because I know what it's like to not have any of these things, and knowing that I've finally hit the pot of gold at the end of the proverbial rainbow is at least comforting if nothing else.
4.) General well-being. I'm not ugly or grossly misshapen. I don't suffer from very many maladies in outward appearance, and people remind me of this on a consistent basis. I have allergies, but I can function at 26 years old without any medication whatsoever. This is probably something I take for granted more than I should.
5.) My puppy Mikey. I think that my life has gotten so much more tolerable since I got Mikey. He gave me something new to focus on when I was at my most selfish. I am so glad to have such a good dog in my life.
6.) I have ambition and drive to move forward! I don't like living mediocre, and I think it is good that I don't like settling less than what I think I deserve.

Sure, I have trouble dealing with my emotions sometimes, but I'm no crazier than you (within reason, of course). No one is a perfectly well-adjusted person. We all have issues. We all suffer. We all cope with our problems in different ways. I don't think it is a bad thing that I acknowledge my faults, or when I'm upset, I let it out instead of bottling it up.

Other things not otherwise related to this post:
-- Robert C. Byrd died. This makes me sad. I wasn't convinced that he wouldn't outlive me, even.
-- desdemona47's dog DeeVa a.k.a. Mikey's grandma died this morning at age 12. This is no good.
-- Saturday night's solstice party was AMAZING. I am still hungover, if that's any indication.
-- oneboyarmy will be here to see me in a few days!

emotional blahblahblah, family, revelations, mikey the puppy, tj, bettering myself, things i like, trenton, friends, death

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