(no subject)

Jun 13, 2010 18:02

After my adventure to get tattooed with my sister yesterday evening, TJ, George and I watched Zombieland. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Bill Murray + Woody Harrelson = YES.

TJ and I went and hung out with Terry and cadesolitude for a good while afterward. We didn't end up leaving Terry's house until around 3 a.m.. TJ, Cade and I went and ate at Huddle House, listened to lost songs of the past about Latin cannibals (He eats women like SUSHI!) and finished out the evening with me falling asleep on Cade's couch and TJ and I not getting home until after 6 a.m.

It felt nice to have a break. I rarely have those moments when I don't have to worry about anything. Trenton stayed with my mother-in-law last night, as he often does on Saturdays. I really hadn't gone many places last week aside from work and the gym, except the day that my sister had surgery and I ate lunch with Trenton and my sister Miranda at The Daily Grind.

Life has been complicated for quite some time now, but I am doing everything I can to cope with the adjustments. It is so difficult sometimes to not feel overwhelmingly frustrated and down about it.

It is amazing to me that things can be so bad and I've had to deal with so much just for my ill-informed readers stalkers to tell me that a.) I must be the cause of it all OR b.) I'm just making it up. Really, you can just as easily stop reading my journal if my tendency to not pretend to be OK when I'm not bothers you so much. Life isn't always a cakewalk. When things are going well, people like you get up-in-arms about me moving forward and in the opposite situation, where things are going badly, I must be embellishing. There is no pleasing you, and if you are looking for someone who will try, look elsewhere. The issues that I'm dealing with and the responsibilities I have in real life are much more important than Internet drama created by people who will accuse me of starting it.

That being said, I have always used my journal to document my life, not just the good parts, not just the bad part, but every state of the human condition I find myself in. This will not change.

motherfuckers, happy times, drama, friends, sad times, de-stressing

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