(no subject)

Apr 13, 2010 21:23

Since I rarely speak of such things openly...

I'm pro-choice, even though I was painfully pro-life until I was about 19, for gay marriage, obviously, and anti-Israel. Elaborating on the last one before I catch a rain of hellfire, we are encouraging them to use the same rape and conquer tactics we used on the Natives Americans. I don't celebrate Columbus Day either, and I don't support the Thanksgiving myth. I'm not ethnocentric, and you'll never hear me saying that America is the "best nation EVAR!" because isn't that really subjective? I'm agnostic, and I think people who will tell other that their god is the wrong one are full of shit. I was raised Christian, mind you. I view most things from a sociological standpoint. I don't think that religion and politics should mix because we are NOT a theocracy. I think it's going to take much longer than a year for our president to repair the eight years of damage Bush did. I think that using religion to justify hate is wrong. I don't think that morality and religion are synonymous. I think gays should have the right to adopt children and that gay men should be able to donate blood. I think that people should be able to keep their culture and language.

Offended yet? Sorry. Except no...I'm not.

politics, religion

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