(no subject)

Mar 08, 2010 09:54

Has it really been that long since I've updated?

Our anniversary went very well. We went for sushi at The Station. Apparently, every Thursday is sushi night. I think we should make it an every week thing. There is only one other place that does sushi, but they do it on Fridays, and they sell out quickly and while I'm at work a couple counties over. My dad makes excellent sushi; so, I do get it sometimes.

We went out to Joey's benefit on Saturday night. Joey is this guy who grew up along side me and my sister. He had brothers closer to my age. Well, he went missing last week after his wife dropped him off to go fishing. The fire department found his body in the river a couple of days later. He left behind a wife and a couple of small children. His death was accidental. The benefit was to help sustain his family. It was a good night. I got talk with his brother and see a lot of people I hadn't seen in a while.

That evening, I started to feel a little sore. By Sunday, despite being ridiculously hungover, I could still feel that I was getting sick. Today, I am home from work. Last night, any time I stood up, my chest and lungs hurt. My neck, shoulder and lower back were still hurting this morning. I have a sore throat and both of my ears hurt. I'm glad that it no longer hurts to touch my face. I think I'll probably feel better either later today or tomorrow. I don't like to miss work, and I generally don't let an illness lay me out for too long, if I can avoid it.

1st wedding anniversary, sickness, work, death

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