(no subject)

Jan 30, 2010 18:08

I want to be remembered as a person who lived life to the fullest, who did something important. It isn’t important for me to be loved by everyone. If you live your life without haters, you’re doing something wrong. It is, however, to know that I will be remembered as someone who made an impact. Maybe, I’ll never be famous. It has always been just as fulfilling to be infamous. Millions of people will never know that I existed, but for those who did, I can only hope that I contributed something that they will never be able to get out of their heads.

My goal in life is, and has always been, to be anything but ordinary. I am never been content to sit back and let life happen around with me with absolutely no say in any of it. I don't think that just existing is enough to sustain a healthy life.

I enjoy helping other people, even if they do like to bury me in their deepest, darkest secrets. I think that many of society's problems could be solved with schooling in common courtesy. I don't buy into the whole "treat others the way you want to be treated" to the fullest extent because if someone has fucked me over, I am not going to be kind to them as a response. I am proud of myself for being able to cut the strings and move closer to letting go of those negative people. Part of me kind of revels in the idea that some of them still let what goes on in my life affect them. It reminds me that even my enemies think I'm important enough to fret over. If people love to hate me, then, I must be doing something right.

What is missing in my life right now is inspiration to create. I am so preoccupied with unimportant things in addition to the actual stress that goes on in life that I feel as though I've lost a part of myself in the shuffle. I cannot allow this to happen.

motherfuckers, emotional blahblahblah, revelations, goals, bettering myself

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