(no subject)

Jan 17, 2010 21:36

Today, the family and I went over the Meadowbrook because it was warm outside and it would have been nice to get out of the house and actually do something. I had a Borders gift card to still cash in on, and I bought the following:

Bowie: A Biography by Marc Spitz (hardback)
Stranger Than Fiction by Chuck Palahniuk
Snuff by Chuck Palahniuk
A calender of "The Munsters"
A calender of vintage black and white prints of nurses/campy humor to go with

I have been reading Chuck Palahniuk books for a while now. I read Rant, Fight Club and Choke. I still have Haunted to read. The idea of getting low on this books was a little disheartening; so, I resolved to spend most of my gift card on that. Admittedly, the David Bowie book was almost equal in value to the two Palahniuk books but definitely worth it. In the end, I only ended up paying $17 worth of my purchases.

I will be glad when the spare room is finished and my books can have a nice, organized home. I still have at least a third of my books at the in-laws. It is really quite amazing how many I have, which is why I'm glad that TJ is building me a library.

My mother got me a season of "House" for Christmas, which I devoured in a week. Last night, I ordered the other four seasons I needed for dirt cheap on Amazon and threw in Party Monster because...well, it is awesome.

My latest online shopping endeavor will include purchasing new high heels to replace the pairs that Mikey destroyed. I have a photoshoot tomorrow, and another on Saturday in Clarksburg. I hope that I can work with a couple more people in the near future.

Redrum Collaborations may be coming to Pittsburgh in mid-March, if they can get enough shoots booked. If they come, I will definitely book with them. There is another lesser known, but talented photographer, that may be in my area in mid-February, and I am waiting to hear back from him. I have content from another shoot I am waiting on, but much has happened with the photographer recently that has prolonged the process. I hope to have more to share soon.

literature, tv, modeling, shopping, movies

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