2009 Year in Review.

Jan 07, 2010 00:14

This past year was a year of change -- some bad, some good. It was so incredibly trying, and I'm glad it's over, though I'd be amiss if I didn't acknowledge that I've accomplished some really great things in this less than stable era.

I bring you -- my 2009 year in review. It took a great deal of time; so, comments are good.

-- We got a loan for a house but decided not to take it.
-- I had been having problems with anxiety. I was told I could switch my method of birth control three days into a pack. They were wrong. I ended up in the ER with the worst panic attack of my life, and I have not been the same since.

-- More hormone issues, continued sickness.
-- I found out that TJ and I would be getting married a few weeks sooner than we had planned initially.
-- Upshur County had a nasty storm that knocked out our power out for about a week.
-- Some bitch stole my cellphone and broke it.

-- Still hormonal and anxiety issues.
-- TJ and I got married on the 4th at 8:30 a.m. with snow on the ground and it being 30-some degrees.
-- Three days later, his Grandma Moran died.
-- We had our 1940s wedding reception in the Bi-Ci and 80 people attended.
-- We hooked up with Amanda for the first time.
-- TJ was working in Washington, PA and was only home on the weekends.
-- I was stationed in Preston County.
-- 10 lbs lighter just from stopping birth control.
-- We went caving for the first time.

-- Hooked up with an ex, which basically killed all of my feelings for her, giving me a much-needed sense of closure.
-- TJ and I had swine flu.
-- I switched to this journal.
-- I was in conflict with aforementioned ex.
-- It was August outside.

-- They put me on nasty steroids for lung pain, which I couldn't even finish due to an anxiety reaction.
-- TJ's grandma, who lived with us, died.
-- We made a visit to Pittsburgh.
-- I got Mikey!
-- I got to ride in the back of a Model A in the Strawberry Festival Grand Feature parade.
-- I started therapy and was diagnosed with Adjustment Disorder with anxiety and depression.

-- TJ got laid off from his job in Washington and was happy about it.
-- At the end of the month, my project ended in Clarksburg, and I was out of work, too.
-- I did salvia for the first time.
-- TJ turned 27. He celebrated for a week.
-- More sickness. This time, an ear infection.
-- Hooked up with a friend.
-- Bleached my hair blond.

-- We made another trip to Pittsburgh. We hooked up with Amanda again.
-- I had good spanking times.
-- I was naked in front of my friends a lot.

-- I ended the friendship with my ex.
-- I took care of a kitty for oneboyarmy, who he loves like crazy.
-- After over seven combined years of smoking, I finally quit.
-- I started working at the group home as overnight awake staff.
-- Trenton started 2nd grade and turned 7.

-- Had my first photoshoot in over a year and my second.
-- TJ and I celebrated 8 years together.
-- I turned 26.

-- Shot with magicstore.
-- desdemona47 and I went on a fruits and veggies fast.
-- Hooked up with a friend again.

-- lilsparrow311 came to visit.
-- We saw Old Crow Medicine Show in Morgantown.
-- Shot with TMEPOL in Huntington.

-- TJ and I finally moved into our own house.
-- I quit the group home.
-- I got my old job back and started working in Taylor County.


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