Bring On the New.

Jan 01, 2010 19:20


There are only really a few things that I liked about 2009.

1.) TJ and I finally got married.
2.) I got a lot of pussy.
3.) We finally moved out into our own house.
4.) I got Mikey.
5.) I got my old job back.
6.) More modeling than previous years.

Everything else...I could have done without. And then some. I really had a terrible year overall -- the worst I'd had in six years. I dealt with problems I had never had before, and it has changed me -- some ways for the better, some ways for the worse. The latter is fixable, but it is going to take time. Changes in perception are always the hardest to deal with. Fuck you, 2009. Seriously.

In 2010, I resolve to:
1.) Lose 5 lbs a month every month from January through April. Get into the best shape of my life. I am off to a good start. I have been practicing the makings of a healthy lifestyle for a long time now. Now that I'm not smoking, I imagine that I am capable of better.
2.) Book more photoshoots; arrange more trips to do so.
3.) Read more books.
4.) Write more.
5.) Be less anxious. I am so much better than I was 11 months ago. I need to continue to improve.
6.) Play more music, possibly with other people.
7.) Speak my mind more often. Don't back down when I feel oppressed. I bottle up far too much.

I am still not home from last night's party. I am hungover and detached from myself. I started to have a panic attack. Too much rum. Took salvia. Didn't have a freak out. I napped. It helped. Trenton is here now, which makes me worry less.

goals, creative interests, panic attacks, work, reading, 2009, trenton, moving, party, writing, modeling, mikey the puppy, 2010, music, fitness, new house, new year, drinking, weight loss

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