(no subject)

Dec 15, 2009 04:27

It isn't so much that I've fundamentally changed, as it is that my perception has been altered by what I belief to be an alternate reality -- though it is clearly the same reality that I've always lived in.

That isn't to say that I haven't changed in a lot of ways, but those things primarily deal with how I handle my problems.

It is so easy for a person to believe that they have it all figured out. I thought I had a pretty good idea of who I am, and in a lot of ways, I was right. There are just so many things that I've only now come to realize that I'm doing wrong. I have begun devising ways to fix these bad habits.

For this reason, I am resolved to keep all of the rubbish out of my life. Demons of the past, hidden naysayers, you are not welcome here. My focus is shifting. I have been trying so hard to take care of myself. I need to be able to put my time into things and people that are important to me once again.

I should have done so many things differently, and I would have if I had known what I do now. The problem in that is that, if I hadn't have made those mistakes, I wouldn't know what I do now. Suffering is growth, if you let it be.

Next time you are on top of the world, ask yourself...."When my world comes crashing down, will I be able to keep myself afloat?" You'll thank yourself later.

I was in no way equipped to deal with the hardships I've endured this year, and it has taken harder work than usual to make my existence even tolerable to me again.

I don't know where I'm going with all of this. I am tired and hot, and I don't have my period yet. My ears/sinuses are packed full of some sort of nonsense that has made me dizzy and loopy and anxious all day.

change, emotional blahblahblah, redefining myself

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