The Daily Goods.

Nov 19, 2009 10:00

  • 16:10 @ lysandrea I hope you feel better! #
  • 16:11 @ sage666 I really hate the new MySpace layout, too! #
  • 16:47 There is a reason everyone hates the night shift. No matter how much sleep you get, you will still feel lonely, shitty and disconnected. #
  • 16:48 Seeing only 2 hours of daylight a day changes everything. #
  • 17:06 I sacrifice so much, and I don't get shit for it. #
  • 17:10 @ murk77 It does, and it seems like no one seems to care what I have to go through just to make a few bucks. #
  • 17:19 I am done with this day. I don't want to see anyone. #
  • 00:47 @ sage666 I'd totally get into that version of Frankenstein. #
  • 00:57 "I just tattooed this cat this morning. Look at the good I do. Get the hell out of here. I'm a pirate." #
  • 01:14 @ LeilaLynne Oh yeah? #
  • 01:19 I am just going to stop trying. #
  • 01:22 @ LeilaLynne Bad! I think I'm the only one of my friends who has never relapsed. #
  • 01:23 Why is it that I'm constantly taking other people's feelings into consideration, but they hardly ever care for mine? #
  • 01:26 @ poettopoet Thank you for the quote. TS Eliot was a wise one. #
  • 01:27 I am constantly shifting, changing, while many of the people in my life continue to stand still. #
  • 05:13 --Social Network of Idiots : Foamy the Squirrel #
  • 08:28 I am still in so much emotional distress. #
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