The Daily Goods.

Nov 16, 2009 10:00

  • 13:05 Am I really up right now? Last night was great, aside from having my keys locked in my car and being up for almost 24 hours straight. #
  • 13:19 So glad that my sister-in-law lives close enough that I can hear her scream at her children all day long. #
  • 13:33 @ oneboyarmy will be home in WV today! #
  • 00:46 Mayhapsen! #
  • 01:09 @ oneboyarmy I miss shu. See you soon, me hopes! #
  • 01:37 I don't like being bullshitted. #
  • 02:40 @ Vivka We are MySpace friends, and I started following you in response to a bulletin. Plus, I think you're neat. #
  • 04:28 Arch Enemy's Wages of Sin, Deftones - Change, Poe - Control, Spacehog - In The Meantime, Plasmatics - The Damned #MusicMonday #
  • 04:35 "Well you may be king for the moment But I am a queen understand & I've got yr pawns & yr bishops & castles All inside the palm of my hand." #
  • 06:16 Gahhh -- I feel like shit. #
  • 06:31 Good morning, daywalkers! #
  • 06:58 @ sage666 @mojokiss His tarot cards said I'M awesome. ;) #
  • 07:41 @ katiekuba You assume correctly. #
  • 08:00 I'm trying to decide on breakfast. Hmmm. #
  • 08:49 Finishing up Maury and Simply Apple juice before curling up in bed with Choke. #
  • 08:51 @ latexclad Wow -- thank you! #
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